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Interesting Earwig Facts Oceanside Residents May Not Know

earwig inside home

Interesting Earwig Facts Oceanside Residents May Not Know

There’s a cliché that “ignorance is bliss.” It depends on the situation whether that’s true or not, and it’s not so accurate when it comes to bugs like earwigs. Many homeowners don’t know how these insects function, what leads to their invasions, or if they are dangerous. Without an understanding, it will arguably be impossible to get rid of earwigs. The experts in pest control in Oceanside at Bull's Eye Pest Control can guide you. 

Lots of myths about earwigs float around, and this only makes things worse. One misconception is that retail insecticides are highly effective at killing these pests. Although it may eliminate a few earwigs, it won’t be enough if your problems are severe. Earwig repellents have other drawbacks, too. Get facts about these bugs and how Bull's Eye Pest Control can help you eliminate them. 

No, Earwigs Will Not Crawl Into Your Ear

The most prevailing myth about earwigs is that they often crawl into human ears. Their alleged objective is to reach and feast on our brains. Thankfully, it is not true to any extent. While this is likely to happen in a horror movie, the chances of it occurring in real life are low to nonexistent. Earwigs don’t have a greater tendency to enter your ears than other species, and brains aren’t a part of their diet. What they actually consume includes:

  • Rotting organic matter
  • Plants
  • Sprouts
  • Vegetables
  • Insects

Earwigs have thin and flat bodies that are ¼ to 1 inch long. These reddish-brown pests have two pairs of immobile wings and two pincers near the stomach. When they aren’t using the appendages to protect themselves or catch prey, they’ll be utilized to procreate. Strong scents will emit from them during these actions. Earwigs are frequently confused with silverfish, but the latter have more appendages.   

Given their nocturnal nature, earwig infestations are indicated by daylight appearances. They wander in large groups and run quickly. Remember that dry weather and moisture are catalysts for their invasions. Indoors, they’ll be in kitchens, laundry rooms, bathrooms, and similar. 

Earwigs Will Protect Their Babies

Considering what earwigs feed on, they are ubiquitous in yards. You’ll probably see them in your gardens or mulch, and beneath logs and rocks. Sometimes these pests build small sheltering tunnels in the ground. You might discover eggs in damp and cool spots with shade; typically, these eggs will hatch in about a week. The female bugs will keep watch over their unhatched and active nymphs for a period. Their goal is to prevent the effects of mold growth by eating the matter and cleaning the eggs. Female earwigs are known for being especially protective of their offspring.  

Earwigs Are Not Dangerous To Humans

Contrary to common belief, earwigs are not a threat to your well-being or health. They have the ability to pinch you, but it won’t be a dire situation if they do. The worst-case scenario is that you’ll have moderate pain and a scratch on the surface of your skin. Fortunately, these insects cannot cut you or cause bleeding. Earwig bites and stings are not a possibility, so you don’t have to be fearful of potent or lethal venom. 

With many pests, there’s concern about parasites, bacteria, and/or disease transmission. Earwigs do not harbor illnesses, nor do they pass them along with their germs.

Pest Control Plans Help Keep Earwigs Out Of Your Home

Expensive earwig sprays and similar store products are meant for mild issues and temporary relief. It’s because their chemicals don’t have the strength for an infestation, but they can still harm you. Long-term exposure isn’t good for greenery and pets either. At Bull's Eye Pest Control, we have affordable plans and safe solutions for earwigs that last, including perimeter treatments, liquid sprays, and more. Call today for a no-obligation home pest control inspection!

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